YCYW 90th Anniversary Art Carnival 耀中耀华90周年艺术嘉年华

10 December 2022, 2022年12月10日
Online 在线观看

Due to the COVID situation and pandemic restrictions in Beijing, the event will be moved online. This Virtual Art Carnival includes an Art Exhibition, Art Activities, Music Performances and Parent-talk sessions.  All students, parents and families are welcome to join and enjoy these family –friendly activities we have put together for you!  Please see the details below:

Date:   10 Dec 2022

Time:   10:00am  (the event is about 2 hours)


由于北京疫情及其相关限制,活动将转移到线上举行。 本次线上艺术嘉年华包括艺术展览、艺术活动、音乐表演和家长讲座。 活动皆适合一家大小,欢迎所有学生、家长和友好一同參與! 请查看以下详细信息:

日期:2022 12 10


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